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 Hi to all out there, I decided to write my story for the world to read, maybe in hopes of finding help, or at least educate people about this horrific disease......

Th story begins as a young girl, I was always slightly fatigued easily, lets just say I was no track runner. everyone was faster then my in gym class:) I had no stamina  so i never even learned to swim, because it would tire me out. I had frequent colds and flues  and missed alot of school because of it. of course this never alarmed my doctors . or me it was just the way I was. I had a pretty normal life other than this, I went to school, had friends, I enjoyed dancing, that was my passion, but still lacked the stamina to become a performer. I was always very skinny i was 102 at the age of 19. Skipping to the college. My freshman year i had an accident falling down some steps and was in a wheel chair for 5 years. Slowly with chiropractors and therapy i could walk again:) but sadly, not for long.......

 A year later, As I began the preparations to get My master's degree  I started to notice severe shortness of breath while climbing stairs or small inclines. i would have to sit and rest for 3 or 4 minutes from just walking up someone's porch steps.. and for a few months i ignored it seeing as though i had always been a little tired. as the months went by this shortness of breath increased just standing and walking would tire me out. til one day i was unpacking some books, and walking up and down my basement stairs, i collapsed and turned blue the shortness of breath had become too severe. after three emergency room visits and one trip to the family doc who said, it's just stress. I became bedridden for six months any move i made including feeding myself exhausted me to tears.. During this time i had noticed that within a six month period my skinny frame had become noticeably fatter. i began to gain two pounds steadily everyweek. with no change in diet. I was referred to cardiologist to make sure it wasn't heart failure, I went to one and then another for second opinion. both said i had the heart of a healthy 30 year old woman. Healthy!?! I lost my job, my place at a very good Master's program, I wondered if it was me, if i was crazy, why couldn't i just get up and walk? After a few more months went by another strange symptom came along.  I would get hungry every couple hours despite what or when i ate last. and if i did not eat i would get low blood sugar symptoms, shaky hands, panic, blurred vision, I would eat and eat and the symptoms would not lesson, hunger pains and panic keeping me awake at night cause traumatic insomnia, I began to stay awake for three nights straight, no sleep at all, cause more panic, and hallucinations.I went to an endocrinologist, who said everything was normal. I thought i was losing my mind or dying, one or the other. I started to look for answers in alternative healing, they had no answers either, in fact they made things worse. One day my Husband at the time was talking to his dad about me, He suggested i get tested for Lyme disease. I did, and i got a positive result which i hear is rare. However there are No Lyme doctors in the state of Kentucky, So no one could help me here. As I became almost paralyzed unable to wash myself, take care of myself in anyway, unable to sleep without the help of pills. and a constant nagging hunger inside(which , as I know of is not a symptom of Lyme.)  I lost my job, my place at a very good master's program, my husband, my friends. MY LIFE!  And yet another strange symptom manifested itself. I was no longer able to eat anything, every food i ate created a strange almost allergic reaction, to where i would almost pass out . i would feel so sick,  and so tired and my heart rate would skyrocket. by trial and error we narrowed it down to where i can only eat beef, gluten free rice and vegetables for every single meal. i had even tried anitbiotics perscibed by my family doctor, it turns out i am allergic to them since i could not travel anymore except by stretcher in ambulance.My mother began looking for books that may help, if there are no Lyme doctors here, maybe we can find one who will work with us by phone, sounded like a good idea. But sadly, it was just another dead end........

My mother purchased a book, called , Insights into Lyme disease treatments, By Connie Strashiem. WE looked at many of the doctors in this book, writing to them for help. Some said they could not help because i could not travel to them , But one woman doctor agreed to help me. I thought she would be my savior, I was wrong. One 400 dollar phone consultation she suggested herbal medicines and certain tests she wanted me to take, all for a heavy fee of course. I took theses tests and nothing very helpful came back. I waited and waited for this doctor to contact me again. i sent emails that were ignored, phone calls, for another six months my health was getting worse while i waited for her to tell me what to do next. in her next phone call, which i paid for again. She told me maybe i should look for another doctor. when all I wanted was for her to help me. So she basically deserted me. During my search I found another Doctor this time in Ohio, close by but the two hour travel was very hard on me, it took me days to recoup, Anyway, this woman claimed to be an m.d. but did not practice mainstream medicine any more. She suggested the cowden protocol, which i am still using. She was another one trick pony. She demanded That i get another  Lyme test because some off my symptoms were not common in lyme i.e. hunger , food reactions. So i complied, this test also came back positive for Lyme with the co-infections of babebsia and bartenella. a couple months goes by doing this cowden, and working with this doctor. until one day i asked her stating she was my Lyme doctor to sigh a paper so i could receive disability from the government since i had lost everything.. she replies, "I am NOT nor have i ever been your Lyme doctor! "and i never heard from her since:( Needless to say, everywhere i have turned for help the doors just close on me. I am still searching for a kind and determined soul, to find me and help me through this nightmare. I still cannot walk, sometimes i cannot talk, i have to eat the same food every three hours, even during the night, so i don't sleep well. I don't remember my life before this, i don't remember the person i was. M y life is constant suffering. I have searched and searched only to feel more alone than ever before. I have to use an oxygen tank now. Is there hope? I read so many success stories of people finding doctors who care, I am still searching for mine.I am open to any suggestion, i have tried so many things. I wrote this to tell people YES Chronic Lyme disease is real, and it can take your life away. And maybe just maybe someone somewhere will help to find a cure.